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Bianco Nero (Housing + English School)

  • Location: Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture

  • Structure: RC + wooden, 2nd floor above ground

  • Family structure: couple + 2 children

  • Site area: 309.98㎡ (93.7 tsubo)

  • Floor area: 113.45㎡ (34.3 tsubo)

  • Structural design: K & S structural design

  • Photo: Isao Saibe

The planned site is Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture. It is an open suburban house overlooking the mountains of Chichibu. The family is a husband who works at the fire department, a wife who teaches English conversation to children, and two daughters. It was required to secure a large English conversation class in the floor area of a general house of about 35 tsubo, and to plan a house so that the family's life would not be cramped.

The plan is to put white concrete walls on both ends and put a black box on it. The first floor will be a public space and will be used as a living room ⇔ classroom depending on the situation. The black box on the second floor is a private space. A family space, which can be called the second living room, is secured on the second floor for when the first floor is used as an English conversation class. However, due to the limited floor area, the public area on the first floor is a large space, so it is not possible to allocate the area privately. As a solution, we divided each bedroom into a sleeper space and other parts, arranged the sleeper parts as small private rooms, and combined all the remaining areas to create a family space. From the 2nd floor, you can get off with a sliding stick in addition to the stairs. This is, of course, due to the husband who is a firefighter. In addition, the south window of the public space is a fully open sash, and a garden party is also held at the English conversation class event. The interior wall on the first floor is a wood wool cement board. The floor is equipped with underfloor heating.



733-3 Terayama, Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture 350-0827


tel 049-229-3606  fax 049-223-1194

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